4 Awesome Party Games That Are Secretly Team Building Exercises

4 Awesome Party Games That Are Secretly Team Building Exercises

There’s no reason you can’t have fun and be awesome humans

Who said fun couldn’t be good for you. Leading up to the end of year we thought we’d deliver some fun party games that foster communication, teamwork, fun, collaboration, and problem solving (you can also drink while playing them).

1. 52 Card Treasure Hunt

Hide playing cards around the space and split groups into teams to be the first to discover their full suit.

Before your guests arrive grab a deck of cards and hide all 52 around the house or venue. Upon arrival split them into four teams, each team representing a suit of cards. The first team to complete their suit wins the prize (free drink/box of chocolates etc). Players may also trade cards with each other.

Bonus rule: If you have the jokers these can act as 2 wildcards that can represent any card.

2. The Alphabet Challenge 

Teams compete to be the first to take 26 photos of themselves recreating and representing the letters of the alphabet. 

  1. Split the group into teams. 
  2. Each team must spend the next hour taking 26 photos.
  3. Each photo must clearly represent each letter of the alphabet. Use you camera’s photo editing options to signify which letter you’re creating.
  4. Upload to instagram using a shared hashtag and watch the hilarity ensue. 

This is a great game if you’re out in public, encourage the teams to explore their environment and go for a wander. The first team back with all 26 photos is the winner. 

3. Mind Meld

By thinking of two words simultaneously players work together to ultimately “mindmeld” by saying the same word at the same time.

  1. Have two people think of a random word. 
  2. When they have thought of the word have them silently raise their hand. 
  3. Count down from three. On one the two players must say their words aloud.
  4. They will no doubt say two quite separate words.
  5. Players must now think of a word that connects these two words. 
  6. When a player has thought of a word they must raise their hand. When two players have done this count down again.
  7. Play until two players say the same word at the same time
  8. When this happens it is a MIND MELD and everyone must scream “IT’S A MIND MELD ITS A MELD MELD” while spinning around in circles.

For more information on how to mind meld check out the improv wiki here

4. The Great Wind Blows

Celebrate your differences and similarities with a game that combines musical chairs and never-have-I-ever.

This game is about celebrating differences and often uncovers similarities we didn’t know we shared. It must be played in the following stages:

Physical Facts

Facts pertaining to your physical body ie eye colour, height, skin colour, skin texture, number of teeth, scars, tattoos, broken bones etc

Historical Facts

Facts pertaining to your history ie where you were born, when you were born, how many siblings you have, if you still have living grandparents etc

Personal Facts

Facts pertaining to you personally ie how many smartphones you own, the colour of your car, your dietary orientation, have you ever gone to work drunk etc


This is the no holds bar tier, this is where the games gets cray. Facts pertaining to your beliefs about the world ie. your religious beliefs, whether you believe in aliens, capitalism, socialism, utilitarianism, 

How to Play

Have everyone sit in a circle with one less chair available then people present at the party. The person standing in the middle says “The great wind blows away….” and then says a fact that is TRUE FOR THEM. 

It might be: “The great wind blows anyone with brown hair”. Then everyone in the circle with brown hair stands up and exchanges seats with someone else leaving a new person in the middle. And the game is repeated with the new person in the middle.

If the person in the middle says something that is true only for them then everyone in the circle claps and cheers, celebrating this their uniqueness.

Set a timer and play this game for 40 minutes (warning: this game becomes very fun). 

Choose this game wisely, you will learn things about your group of friends you never believed possible…

If you would like to learn more about this game, read a thorough run down of how to play from Ariel Makowski’s Activity Tool Kit


Too Long; Didn’t Read

Surprise your guests with a simple competitive treasure hunt, an alphabet photograph challenge, a next level get to know you game, or free association telepathy that will have you problem solving, competing, laughing and having fun until the wee hours of next year.