Enneagrams, What They Are and How They Will Help You Succeed

Enneagrams, What They Are and How They Will Help You Succeed Enneagrams, What They Are and How They Will Help You Succeed Have you heard about the Enneagram? This is a theory that was modernised by Bolivian philosopher Oscar Ichazo back in the 1960s and is now used by therapists to help people better understand themselves! We’ve […]

5 Ways to Lead With Compassion

5 Ways to Lead With Compassion It may come as no surprise that toxic leaders create discord among employees, which leads to a dysfunctional working environment. For this reason, compassionate leaders are better positioned to experience harmony and cohesiveness creating an efficient and effective working environment.  We strive for the latter. Read on for some […]

Why Leadership Is a Skill Not a Talent

Why Leadership Is a Skill Not a Talent What is the difference between talent and skill? In simple terms, talents are inherent, but skills are learned. We can get into a very interesting debate about how the two terms are interchangeable, but when it comes to leadership, it is important to realise that it is […]

Management Tips: Lead with Humour

Management Tips: Lead with Humour Humour and laughter in the workplace are important. Incorporating humour more effectively into your leadership strategy means you can defuse difficult situations, help reduce stress, build rapport, and be more approachable. Humour is vital when virtual team-building which is why we’ve put together some tips for how we best incorporate it into […]

Understanding the Different Types of Learning

Understanding the Different Types of Learning And how they affect your team As you may or may not know, there are different types of learning for different purposes, and understanding these can help to improve individual growth and potential. We have been diving into this stuff to help us better lead our own sessions, so […]

How To Suck at Being a Leader

How To Suck at Being a Leader It would be a little weird if your Google search was the exact heading of this article… We assume that you DON’T want to suck at being a leader, and that’s why you are here. Well, you’ve come to the right place. As experts in virtual team-building, we are required […]

Team Building and Virtual Escape Rooms

Team Building and Virtual Escape Rooms We all know the importance of team-building in a workplace, but what happens when you work remotely? Your “workplace” can be spread around a number of locations and people’s homes! Enter the virtual escape room, a fun activity that yields a range of benefits for your team. From enhanced […]

Connecting Globally: Remote Team Building Saves the Day

Connecting Globally: Remote Team Building Saves the Day We are a globally connected society Technology has already made the world a significantly smaller place. Working side-by-side with people in other states, or even countries, is as simple as being in the same office. Last year, everyone was forced into the experience of working in a […]

Virtual Escape Rooms – Good For Business

Virtual Escape Rooms – Good For Business What are they? A good team-building activity is both effective and fun, and a virtual escape room ticks both of these boxes. Escape rooms are a great way to boost a team’s communication, project management, and problem-solving skills as they handle complex challenges to achieve a common goal.  […]