Plan the Ultimate Company Family Fun Day

There’s a certain magic about the way kids’ eyes light up when they step into their parents’ workplace for the first time.  It’s a peek into the mysterious adult world they’ve always wondered about—a place that often feels serious and off-limits.  When they get invited in, it feels like a special adventure. And let’s be […]

What is Team Building?

Team Building Builds Teams It may seem obvious but this question is rarely posed, let alone answered. A lot of us in the industry talk about team building but there is no single definition for what team building itself is. The answer depends on who is asking, who is answering, and why. In our case team building is […]

How Much Does Team Building Cost?

And is it worth it? Two common questions we come across: “how much does team building cost?” and “is it worth the investment?”. Trying to find out how much team buildings costs is like trying to figure out the government budget. But trying to determine whether team building is something you should invest in can be even […]

Management Tips: Lead with Humour

Think about the last time a bit of laughter lightened up your workday. Humour in leadership isn’t just about a quick laugh; it can shift a team’s entire mood, build stronger connections, and turn stress into something manageable. When leaders bring humour to the table, they create a culture where people feel comfortable, valued, and […]

5 Reasons Why Mindfulness is a Superpower

5 Reasons Why Mindfulness is a Superpower   The Superpower of Mindfulness In this week’s article we are going to look at the superpower of mindfulness in 5 easy to digest points. If you’re a fan of the site you know we run a mindfulness game. In this game we have a third party facilitator who guides […]

The Personality Types That Work Best as Leaders

The Personality Types That Work Best as Leaders Have you heard of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality test? It essentially states that everyone has a natural leadership style that correlates with different personality types. Of course, this means that some people may be better leaders than others. The experts at Banana Life do a fair bit of […]

Bad Cop vs Good Cop – Comparing Leadership Styles

Bad Cop vs Good Cop – Comparing Leadership Styles   Bad Cop vs Good Cop – Comparing Leadership Styles We’ve all probably heard the term “good cop, bad cop” in a movie used as a negotiation tactic where two contrasting individuals try to gain some advantage over a criminal. The good cop is friendly; the […]

Understanding the Different Types of Learning

Understanding the Different Types of Learning   And how they affect your team As you may or may not know, there are different types of learning for different purposes, and understanding these can help to improve individual growth and potential. We have been diving into this stuff to help us better lead our own sessions, […]

How To Be An Effective Manager Right Now

How To Be An Effective Manager Right Now   How To Be An Effective Manager Right Now In 4 Easy Steps There are a bunch of great articles out there about being an effective leader. There are a multitude of things someone can do to behave like an effective leader and most of these lists contain nebulous, vague goals […]

Facilitate Teambuilding Like a Pro

Facilitate Teambuilding Like a Pro   The Importance of Being Earnest Our job as group facilitators is to take fun seriously. We tell our clients that we are there to facilitate teambuilding, communication, collaboration, and group cohesion; buzzwords that garner nods of approval. But ultimately our role is to accomplish two things: “permission granting” and […]